IAS,Inspire Academy Sidhi

Inspire Academy Sidhi is one of the Best Coaching of various exams. It was in the month of July 2015, that Inspire Academy Sidhi was started under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Om Prakash Verma. He aimed to provide online study materials and coaching to aspirants. Every student is important to the institution and we prepare them for life by developing in them - an analytical mind, the right attitude and a spirit of goodness backed by academic excellence. IAS SIDHI assures its students the best academy in the Vindhya experience through its well trained team of expert, learning friendly environment and result-oriented courses and programs.

Mr.Om praksh verma sir has Started Vindhya’s First Online Study Group “Inspire Academy Sidhi” in 2015 and many students got Free study materials, news & editorials, air news, pdf notes and other useful materials. Now you are going to start “Inspire Acdemy Sidhi" the new era of competitive exam preparation in Sidhi. You got many achievements and certificates for your best performance during the student life and as well as professional life.

While searching for the Top Coaching centres in Vindhya, students come across heaps of centres that assure great results. Inspire Academy Sidhi is most renowned Coaching centre in Vindhya, which is known for offering high quality career guidance aspirants.

Vision & Mission

A mission statement is a simple statement about the goals, values, and objectives of our academy. A mission statement summarizes why an academy exists and helps us respond to change and make decisions that align with its vision.

Why Choose Us

The alumni of IAS Sidhi are currently working in many government and non-government offices. This institute has worked day and night to fulfill the dreams of the students. In the last many years, many underprivileged students have achieved success by studying on the online platform from our academy and are acting as a role model in the society today.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote excellence in education and related areas of social research and professional.We develop confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. Provide a competitive environment and selection of candidates from the rural and backward areas and change the negative environment of society.

Our Vision

Mr. Om Prakash Verma has been providing supportive learning environment for students of Sidhi with Quality Education since 2010. He was the pioneer who brought the concept of Online Study Group in Sidhi and has established a strong credibility for himself in the same field. Having all his years of experience by his side he decided to take a step further.


Online study group provides youtube video lectures related to Current Affaires, News & Updates General Studies.


Live online classes are synchronous events organized in a live virtual meeting room where students and teachers meet together to communicate with voice, video, whiteboard.

Student's Cornor

In this section you will get all study materials related to competative exams such as Daily Current Affaires, Notes, Practise Sets, Upcomming Jobs, Exam Calendars, Editorials, Daily Quiz, E-Books, Govt. Magzins etc.

Daily Current Affaires

In this section of Daily Current Affairs, you will get information about National, International and Regional Current Affairs. Current Affairs is information about important events happening every day which is essential for competitive examinations. In which sports, awards, appointments, new projects, deaths, titles and other information can be obtained.

Free Practise Sets

Under this area, you will be provided with practice question papers of various competitive exams which have been prepared by the expert team of our academy. Under which you can prepare for the related competitive exam in a better way and evaluate yourself. Mainly you will be able to easily get practice question papers of Madhya Pradesh State Service Commission and competitive examinations conducted under Madhya Pradesh.

Exam Calendar 2024-25

In this section we will provide you an exam calendar of upcoming competitive exams. Under which the information about the dates and examinations of major examinations will be there. Which will keep updating you from time to time. By using this section you will be able to get information about upcoming competitive examinations.

Career Guidance

Under the Career Guidance area, you will get guidance related to your career. In which our expert team will provide information as to which career will be best for you according to your educational qualification and interest. In which field do you want to make your career? And what resources are required for that and how you can prepare by collecting those resources, the above information will be provided to you.

Our Class

If you Want to join The Best Coaching Center that can help you to Crack Any Exam? Get Enroll today at IAS, Inspire Academy Sidhi, Achievers 1st choice Top Coaching in SIDHI offering Best Coaching for MPPSC Exam & other One day exams preparation in Vindya.

MPESBMadhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board

  • Free Practise Sets
  • Sample Papers
  • Previous Exmas Papers
  • Notes & E-Magzines
  • Online Test Facility
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OTHERSSC/Banking/Teaching Exams

  • Free Practise Sets
  • Sample Papers
  • Previous Exmas Papers
  • Notes & E-Magzines
  • Online Test Facility
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IAS Sidhi Alumni

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